miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010
Aquesta és la careta que l'street artista (i artivista) BANKSY va fer pels Simpson. És evident per què va causar polèmica. A la notícia de El País anoten les declaracions del productor executiu:"Esto es lo que se consigue cuando se externaliza". En breu penjaré el comentari sobre EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP, la pel·lícula-documental-mockumental que ha fet l'artista. No us la perdeu.
martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

Aquest dijous estrenem al Cinema Truffaut de Girona BRIGHT STAR de Jane Campion en V.O.S.E.
All lovely tales that we have heard or read:
An endless fountain of immortal drink.
Pouring unto us from the heaven's brink.
John Keats, A thing of Beauty
“Bright Star”, l’última pel·lícula de Jane Campion (qui va obtenir un Óscar a la millor pel·lícula per El piano), convida a parlar d’amor més que de cinema. Campion es centra en la vida del poeta romàntic anglès John Keats, cohetani de Byron i Shelley, una mica posterior a Wordsworth i Coleridge, però menys afortunat en quant a longevitat ja que va morir als 25 anys de tuberculosis. Campion narra els darrers tres anys de la vida de Keats (interpretat per Ben Wishaw) centrant-se en l’apassionada història d’amor que va viure amb Fanny Brawne (Abbie Cornish), una bonica veïna seva. I sabent això, tenint la mort com a horitzó d’expectatives, ja no cal amagar que ens trobem davant d’un biopic melodramàtic. La protagonista de tot aquest melodrama és ella, més que ell, una d’aquestes dones a les quals ens té acostumats Campion, les dones que agafen la vida per les regnes i no les deixen anar sota cap circumstància. “Sturm und Drang femení”, però en un sentit oposat al que alguns homòfils crítics de El Mundo i El País afincats en el desprestigi constant de tota pel·lícula que veuen retreuen a Bright Star: contra la “sensibleria” que aquests prediquen, més valdria parlar de “sentimentalitat”. L’anterior pel·lícula que va ser capaç de despertar-me unes emocions semblants va ser Lady Chatterley, curiosament també dirigida per una cinesta, Pascal Ferran. Però si Lady Chatterley ens convidava a viatjar a plaer per una relació d’amor, aquí ens trobem amb les filigranes narratives d’un amor que no es pot realitzar. Bright Star és extranyament sòbria i continguda, i dolorosa, perquè ens parla de l’amor impossible, i tot amor impossible resulta en i a través del dolor. Si és tan fàcil de criticar des d’aquest punt de vista és perquè som incapaços de posar-nos a la pell dels seus protagonistes i entenem marcianament “els sentiments absoluts” com una qüestió epocal, estrictament vuitcentista. En una època on a través de les xarxes socials (p. ex. Facebook) podem contactar i conèixer gent a diari, on les relacions tendeixen a la brevetat, fugacitat i multiplicitat, què ens ha de dir la delicada obsessió d’un amor que viu a través de les cartes (en una època on la correspondència fluctuava diferent) i d’encreuaments puntuals? Què ens ha de dir el sacrifici, la hipèrbole, l’al·lucinació amorosa? Què en sabem de tot això? Recordo les lectures de la correspondència de Marina Tsvetaeva i Rainer Maria Rilke on el poeta esdevé un Tot per a la poetissa. L’amor arriba a compta gotes amb cada carta que s’escriu, un amor que ha d’atravessar tots els països, totes les llengües, tota la geografia que recorre la carta, el mateix lapse de temps (massa dilatat quan es viu des de la passió amorosa, un temps que sembla fixat, suspès fins que no arriba la pròxima carta). Més esclaridors són encara aquests fragments que Pedro Salinas escriu a la seva estimada, Katherine Whitemore: “Sin carta, hoy tampoco. Extraña impresión de vacío, estar sin carta tuya. Rara. Se me figura estar en un paisaje polar, en un enorme campo de hielo, implacablemente blanco, hostilmente silencioso. Un cielo gris, con pájaros de vuelo tardo, y sobre todo una impresión de mundo en blanco, sin nada escrito en él, esperando algo que se grabe –pasión, amor, sangre- en su tersa lámina de nieve(…) Sólo el peso de tu carta en el bolsillo me servía de prenda, de prueba. Vivía yo en ese rectángulo de papel. Era el lugar más cierto del mundo. Y antes de poder abrirla, así, cerrada y en el bolsillo, tu carta era el puente con la vida”. Bright Star ens situa en el cor de la paciència i del sacrifici per amor, amb un guió finíssim trenat per la dicció dels poemes de Keats, amb un vestuari delirant com la imaginació de la protagonista, amb una fotografia il·luminada pels reflexos naturals de la campanya anglesa (res a envejar a John Constable) i els interiors com “blanquejats amb llet” (com diria Georg Trakl). Ja he avisat, però, que parlaria més d’amor que de cinema, del nostre pà de cada dia, per molt que alguns s’entossudeixin a fer vaga de fam.
Ingrid Guardiola
Col·lectiu de Crítics de Cinema de Girona
lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010
Black Swan
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Darren Aronofsky
A thriller that hones in on the relationship between a veteran ballet dancer and a rival.
True Grit
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Ethan Coen & Joel Coen
Following the murder of her father by hired hand Tom Chaney, 14-year-old farm girl Mattie Ross sets out to capture the killer. To aid her, she hires the toughest U.S. marshal she can find, a man with “true grit,” Reuben J. “Rooster” Cogburn.
The Social Network
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR David Fincher
A story about the founders of the social-networking website, Facebook.
127 Hours
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Danny Boyle
A mountain climber becomes trapped under a boulder while canyoneering alone near Moab, Utah and resorts to desperate measures in order to survive.
Never Let Me Go
Reino Unido 2010
DIR Mark Romanek
As children, Ruth, Kathy, and Tommy, spend their childhood at a seemingly idyllic boarding school. As they grow into young adults, they find that they have to come to terms with the strength of the love they feel for each other, while preparing themselves for the haunting reality that awaits them.
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Sofia Coppola
A hard-living Hollywood actor re-examines his life after his 11-year-old daughter surprises him with a visit.
I'm Still Here
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Casey Affleck
I’m Still Here follows Joaquin Phoenix as he announces his retirement from a successful film career in the fall of 2008 and sets off to reinvent himself as a hip hop musician. The film is a portrait of an artist at a crossroads.
Promises Written in Water
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Vincent Gallo
Shot in black-and-white, this fiercely independent film traces the steps a young photographer takes to fulfil the dying wishes of a beautiful young woman, including getting a job in a funeral parlour so he can oversee her cremation.
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Clint Eastwood
The story of three people haunted by mortality in different ways, Hereafter stars Matt Damon as a blue-collar American who has a special connection to the afterlife.
Meek's Cutoff
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Kelly Reichardt
Based on the true story, an experienced mountaineer leads an ill-fated wagon train through a shortcut on the Oregon Trail, turning into a the tale that includes starvation, a legendary lost gold mine and a Native American scout.
The Agent
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Vincent Gallo
Vincent Gallo’s film The Agent is a thoughtful, revealing and honest portrait of a Hollywood talent agent.
Enter the Void
Francia 2009
DIR Gaspar Noé
Oscar and his sister Linda are recent arrivals in Tokyo. He’s a small time drug dealer, and she works as a nightclub stripper. One night, Oscar is caught up in a police bust and shot. As he lies dying, his spirit, faithful to the promise he made his sister—refuses to abandon the world of the living.
Cave of Forgotten Dreams
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Werner Herzog
Werner Herzog gains rare access to the Chauvet caves of southern France to film the oldest known images of mankind. He puts 3D technology to a profound use, taking us back in time over 30,000 years.
Essential Killing
Polonia 2010
DIR Jerzy Skolimowski
A Taliban fighter is captured, interrogated, tortured and then transported to an unnamed snowy destination in Europe. Taking advantage of an accident, he escapes and has to use all his wits to evade his pursuers whilst battling bitter winter cold, and lack of food.
Norwegian Wood
Japón 2010
DIR Tran Anh Hung
Adapting Haruki Murakami’s breakthrough novel with the romantic melancholy of the Beatles song that gave it its name, Norwegian Wood is a passionate story of nostalgia, loss and awakening sexuality.
Tío Boonmee recuerda sus vidas pasadas
Tailandia 2010
DIR Apichatpong Weerasethakul
Tio Boonmee padece insuficiencia renal. Apasionado practicante de yoga, es muy consciente de su cuerpo. Sabe que va a morir en 48 horas. Llama a sus parientes lejanos para que le saquen del hospital y pueda morir en su casa. Allí recibirá las visitas de los fantasmas de su familia y antepasados.
The King's Speech
Reino Unido 2010
DIR Tom Hooper
The King’s Speech tells the story of the man who would become King George VI, the father of the current Queen, Elizabeth II. After his brother abdicates, George ‘Bertie’ VI (Colin Firth) reluctantly assumes the throne.
The Borrowers
Japón 2010
DIR Hiromasa Yonebayashi
14-year-old Arrietty and the rest of the Clock family live in peaceful anonymity as they make their own home from items “borrowed” from the house’s human inhabitants. However, life changes for the Clocks when a human boy discovers Arrietty.
The Town
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Ben Affleck
As he plans his next job, a longtime thief tries to balance his feelings for a bank manager connected to one of his earlier heists, as well as the FBI agent looking to bring him and his crew down.
13 Assassins
Japón 2010
DIR Takashi Miike
A group of assassins come together for a suicide mission to kill an evil lord.
The Illusionist
Reino Unido 2010
DIR Sylvain Chomet
In a village pub on Scotland’s west coast, an illusionist meets an innocent young girl named Alice. The encounter changes his life completely. Based on a screenplay by Jacques Tati.
The Sleeping Beauty
Francia 2010
DIR Catherine Breillat
An epic fantasia of a young girl’s coming-of-age, featuring Catherine Breillat’s signature take on gender relations and breathtaking cinematography.
Exit Through the Gift Shop
Reino Unido 2010
DIR Banksy
“A film about a man who tried to make a film about me” is how Banksy describes his first feature.
Lady Blue Shanghai
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR David Lynch
A nameless woman enters her Shanghai hotel room to find a vintage record playing and a blue Dior purse that seems to come from nowhere.
The Ward
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR John Carpenter
Acclaimed director John Carpenter makes his long awaited return to the screen with a thriller about a young woman in a 1960s mental institution who becomes terrorized by malevolant unseen forces.
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Henry Joost & Ariel Schulman
When a young New York City photographer is contacted on Facebook by an 8-year-old painting prodigy from rural Michigan, he becomes deeply enmeshed in her life, even falling in love with her older sister—that is, until a crack appears in her story.
Film socialisme
Francia 2010
DIR Jean-Luc Godard
A symphony in three movements. Things such as: The Mediterranean, a cruise ship. Numerous conversations, in numerous languages, between the passengers, almost all of whom are on holiday…
It's Kind of a Funny Story
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Anna Boden & Ryan Fleck
A teenager’s week in the adult psych ward brings new meaning to ‘coming of age.’
Cold Fish
Japón 2010
DIR Sion Sono
Equal parts black humour and bloody dementia in this true crime portrait of a Japanese tropical fish dealer responsible for over forty murders.
TRON: Legacy
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Joseph Kosinski
A virtual-world worker looks to take down the Master Control Program.
Grecia 2009
DIR Giorgos Lanthimos
Canino es la historia de una familia griega que vive enclaustrada en su casa. Los tres hijos de la familia viven convencidos de que el mundo exterior es territorio prohibido y su percepción de la realidad está completamente alterada gracias a la labor de sus maquiavélicos padres.
La cinta blanca
Alemania 2009
DIR Michael Haneke
En los albores de la primera guerra mundial, al norte de alemania en una villa protestante, es la historia de varios niños y adolescentes, a los que les suceden varios accidentes raros, que tienen un caracter punitivo. Quien estara atras de ellos?
Winter's Bone
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Debra Granik
An unflinching Ozark Mountain girl hacks through dangerous social terrain as she hunts down her missing father while trying to keep her family intact.
You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Woody Allen
Written and directed by Woody Allen. A little romance, some sex, some treachery, and apart from that, a few laughs. The lives of a group of people, whose passions, ambitions and anxieties force them all into assorted troubles that run the gamut from ludicrous to dangerous.
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Errol Morris
Errol Morris presents his ‘first love story since Gates of Heaven’, the story of Joyce McKinney and the case of the manacled Mormon.
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Edgar Wright
Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) es un jóven canadiense de 23 años bajista de la banda “Sex Bob-omb” que acaba de conocer a la mujer de sus sueños Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), pero para ganar su corazón debe luchar y vencer a sus siete malvados exes.
Certified Copy
Francia 2010
DIR Abbas Kiarostami
This is the story of a meeting between one man (William Shimell) and one woman (Juliette Binoche), in a small Italian village in Southern Tuscany.
The Kids Are All Right
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Lisa Cholodenko
A couple, Nic and Jules, live with their teenage children, Joni and Laser, in a cozy craftsman bungalow in Los Angeles. As Joni prepares for college, her younger brother pesters her for a big favor—help him find their biological father.
Silent Souls
Rusia 2010
DIR Aleksei Fedorchenko
When Miron’s beloved wife Tanya passes away, he asks his best friend Aist to help him say goodbye according to the rituals of the Merya culture, an ancient Finno-Ugric tribe from Lake Nero. The two men set out on a road trip thousands of miles across the boundless lands.
Francia 2010
DIR Olivier Assayas
The story of Venezuelan revolutionary, Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, who founded a worldwide terrorist organization and raided the OPEC headquarters in 1975 before being caught by the French police.
I Am Love
Italia 2009
DIR Luca Guadagnino
Academy Award-winner Tilda Swinton stars in this drama about the devastating effects of a forbidden passion between a woman who belongs to a rich northern-Italian family and her son’s best friend, a cook.
A Letter to Elia
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Martin Scorsese & Kent Jones
Directed by Martin Scorsese and Kent Jones, this documentary pays tribute to the late, legendary Hollywood auteur, Elia Kazan.
William S. Burroughs: A Man Within
Estados Unidos 2009
DIR Yony Leyser
William S. Burroughs: featuring never before seen footage as well as exclusive interviews with his closest friends and colleagues.
Coming Attractions
Austria 2010
DIR Peter Tscherkassky
Austrian master Peter Tscherkassky’s latest epic is a sly comedy that mines the relationship between early cinema and the avant-garde by way of advertising.
Corea del Sur 2010
DIR Lee Chang-dong
The story of an elderly woman in search of the fundamental poetry from her life. Aside from being sentenced with Alzheimer’s disease, she faces a dilemma when her teen-aged grandson, who is under her care, is found to be one of the assailants of a girl from his school who killed herself.
The Tourist
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck
The Tourist revolves around Frank, an American tourist visiting Italy to mend a broken heart. Elise is an extraordinary woman who deliberately crosses his path.
Alemania 2010
DIR Benedek Fliegauf
A grieving widow (Eva Green) looks to clone her late husband after he’s killed in an auto accident.
Grecia 2010
DIR Athina Rachel Tsangari
A dying architect and his emotionally stunted daughter inhabit the remains of a once booming industrial community in the middle of nowhere, now populated by the precious few who didn’t have the heart to leave it behind.
Edie: Girl on Fire
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Melissa Painter & David Weisman
Model, film star, muse, socialite, icon. Edie Sedgwick was the very first “it” girl of the Andy Warhol Factory scene…
Jack Goes Boating
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Philip Seymour Hoffman
A limo driver’s blind date sparks a tale of love, betrayal, friendship, and grace centered around two working-class New York City couples.
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Rob Epstein & Jeffrey Friedman
A drama centered on the obscenity trial Allen Ginsberg faced after the publication of his poem, Howl.
Estoy Aquí
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Spike Jonze
El amor puede ser un poco desconcertante, tal como un robot llamado Sheldon lo descubre. Se enamora de Francesca y el mundo se convierte en un lugar mucho más bello. Las reglas que el solía seguir, simplemente no sirven más.
Mysteries of Lisbon
Portugal 2010
DIR Raúl Ruiz
Based on a famous 19th Century Portuguese novel, Raul Ruiz’s Mysteries of Lisbon follows a jealous countess, a wealthy businessman and a young orphaned boy across Portugal, France, Italy and Brazil where they connect with a variety of mysterious individuals.
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Mike Mills
When his seventy-one-year-old father (Christopher Plummer) comes out of the closet, Oliver (Ewan McGregor) must explore the honesty of his own relationships.
Our Day Will Come
Francia 2010
DIR Romain Gavras
The feature debut by French director Romain Gravas focuses on two outcast redheads – a bullied teen (Olivier Barthélémy) and a psychologist (Vincent Cassel) – who embark on a hallucinatory journey to Ireland, in a quest for freedom.
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Darren Aronofsky
A thriller that hones in on the relationship between a veteran ballet dancer and a rival.
True Grit
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Ethan Coen & Joel Coen
Following the murder of her father by hired hand Tom Chaney, 14-year-old farm girl Mattie Ross sets out to capture the killer. To aid her, she hires the toughest U.S. marshal she can find, a man with “true grit,” Reuben J. “Rooster” Cogburn.
The Social Network
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR David Fincher
A story about the founders of the social-networking website, Facebook.
127 Hours
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Danny Boyle
A mountain climber becomes trapped under a boulder while canyoneering alone near Moab, Utah and resorts to desperate measures in order to survive.
Never Let Me Go
Reino Unido 2010
DIR Mark Romanek
As children, Ruth, Kathy, and Tommy, spend their childhood at a seemingly idyllic boarding school. As they grow into young adults, they find that they have to come to terms with the strength of the love they feel for each other, while preparing themselves for the haunting reality that awaits them.
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Sofia Coppola
A hard-living Hollywood actor re-examines his life after his 11-year-old daughter surprises him with a visit.
I'm Still Here
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Casey Affleck
I’m Still Here follows Joaquin Phoenix as he announces his retirement from a successful film career in the fall of 2008 and sets off to reinvent himself as a hip hop musician. The film is a portrait of an artist at a crossroads.
Promises Written in Water
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Vincent Gallo
Shot in black-and-white, this fiercely independent film traces the steps a young photographer takes to fulfil the dying wishes of a beautiful young woman, including getting a job in a funeral parlour so he can oversee her cremation.
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Clint Eastwood
The story of three people haunted by mortality in different ways, Hereafter stars Matt Damon as a blue-collar American who has a special connection to the afterlife.
Meek's Cutoff
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Kelly Reichardt
Based on the true story, an experienced mountaineer leads an ill-fated wagon train through a shortcut on the Oregon Trail, turning into a the tale that includes starvation, a legendary lost gold mine and a Native American scout.
The Agent
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Vincent Gallo
Vincent Gallo’s film The Agent is a thoughtful, revealing and honest portrait of a Hollywood talent agent.
Enter the Void
Francia 2009
DIR Gaspar Noé
Oscar and his sister Linda are recent arrivals in Tokyo. He’s a small time drug dealer, and she works as a nightclub stripper. One night, Oscar is caught up in a police bust and shot. As he lies dying, his spirit, faithful to the promise he made his sister—refuses to abandon the world of the living.
Cave of Forgotten Dreams
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Werner Herzog
Werner Herzog gains rare access to the Chauvet caves of southern France to film the oldest known images of mankind. He puts 3D technology to a profound use, taking us back in time over 30,000 years.
Essential Killing
Polonia 2010
DIR Jerzy Skolimowski
A Taliban fighter is captured, interrogated, tortured and then transported to an unnamed snowy destination in Europe. Taking advantage of an accident, he escapes and has to use all his wits to evade his pursuers whilst battling bitter winter cold, and lack of food.
Norwegian Wood
Japón 2010
DIR Tran Anh Hung
Adapting Haruki Murakami’s breakthrough novel with the romantic melancholy of the Beatles song that gave it its name, Norwegian Wood is a passionate story of nostalgia, loss and awakening sexuality.
Tío Boonmee recuerda sus vidas pasadas
Tailandia 2010
DIR Apichatpong Weerasethakul
Tio Boonmee padece insuficiencia renal. Apasionado practicante de yoga, es muy consciente de su cuerpo. Sabe que va a morir en 48 horas. Llama a sus parientes lejanos para que le saquen del hospital y pueda morir en su casa. Allí recibirá las visitas de los fantasmas de su familia y antepasados.
The King's Speech
Reino Unido 2010
DIR Tom Hooper
The King’s Speech tells the story of the man who would become King George VI, the father of the current Queen, Elizabeth II. After his brother abdicates, George ‘Bertie’ VI (Colin Firth) reluctantly assumes the throne.
The Borrowers
Japón 2010
DIR Hiromasa Yonebayashi
14-year-old Arrietty and the rest of the Clock family live in peaceful anonymity as they make their own home from items “borrowed” from the house’s human inhabitants. However, life changes for the Clocks when a human boy discovers Arrietty.
The Town
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Ben Affleck
As he plans his next job, a longtime thief tries to balance his feelings for a bank manager connected to one of his earlier heists, as well as the FBI agent looking to bring him and his crew down.
13 Assassins
Japón 2010
DIR Takashi Miike
A group of assassins come together for a suicide mission to kill an evil lord.
The Illusionist
Reino Unido 2010
DIR Sylvain Chomet
In a village pub on Scotland’s west coast, an illusionist meets an innocent young girl named Alice. The encounter changes his life completely. Based on a screenplay by Jacques Tati.
The Sleeping Beauty
Francia 2010
DIR Catherine Breillat
An epic fantasia of a young girl’s coming-of-age, featuring Catherine Breillat’s signature take on gender relations and breathtaking cinematography.
Exit Through the Gift Shop
Reino Unido 2010
DIR Banksy
“A film about a man who tried to make a film about me” is how Banksy describes his first feature.
Lady Blue Shanghai
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR David Lynch
A nameless woman enters her Shanghai hotel room to find a vintage record playing and a blue Dior purse that seems to come from nowhere.
The Ward
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR John Carpenter
Acclaimed director John Carpenter makes his long awaited return to the screen with a thriller about a young woman in a 1960s mental institution who becomes terrorized by malevolant unseen forces.
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Henry Joost & Ariel Schulman
When a young New York City photographer is contacted on Facebook by an 8-year-old painting prodigy from rural Michigan, he becomes deeply enmeshed in her life, even falling in love with her older sister—that is, until a crack appears in her story.
Film socialisme
Francia 2010
DIR Jean-Luc Godard
A symphony in three movements. Things such as: The Mediterranean, a cruise ship. Numerous conversations, in numerous languages, between the passengers, almost all of whom are on holiday…
It's Kind of a Funny Story
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Anna Boden & Ryan Fleck
A teenager’s week in the adult psych ward brings new meaning to ‘coming of age.’
Cold Fish
Japón 2010
DIR Sion Sono
Equal parts black humour and bloody dementia in this true crime portrait of a Japanese tropical fish dealer responsible for over forty murders.
TRON: Legacy
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Joseph Kosinski
A virtual-world worker looks to take down the Master Control Program.
Grecia 2009
DIR Giorgos Lanthimos
Canino es la historia de una familia griega que vive enclaustrada en su casa. Los tres hijos de la familia viven convencidos de que el mundo exterior es territorio prohibido y su percepción de la realidad está completamente alterada gracias a la labor de sus maquiavélicos padres.
La cinta blanca
Alemania 2009
DIR Michael Haneke
En los albores de la primera guerra mundial, al norte de alemania en una villa protestante, es la historia de varios niños y adolescentes, a los que les suceden varios accidentes raros, que tienen un caracter punitivo. Quien estara atras de ellos?
Winter's Bone
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Debra Granik
An unflinching Ozark Mountain girl hacks through dangerous social terrain as she hunts down her missing father while trying to keep her family intact.
You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Woody Allen
Written and directed by Woody Allen. A little romance, some sex, some treachery, and apart from that, a few laughs. The lives of a group of people, whose passions, ambitions and anxieties force them all into assorted troubles that run the gamut from ludicrous to dangerous.
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Errol Morris
Errol Morris presents his ‘first love story since Gates of Heaven’, the story of Joyce McKinney and the case of the manacled Mormon.
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Edgar Wright
Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) es un jóven canadiense de 23 años bajista de la banda “Sex Bob-omb” que acaba de conocer a la mujer de sus sueños Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), pero para ganar su corazón debe luchar y vencer a sus siete malvados exes.
Certified Copy
Francia 2010
DIR Abbas Kiarostami
This is the story of a meeting between one man (William Shimell) and one woman (Juliette Binoche), in a small Italian village in Southern Tuscany.
The Kids Are All Right
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Lisa Cholodenko
A couple, Nic and Jules, live with their teenage children, Joni and Laser, in a cozy craftsman bungalow in Los Angeles. As Joni prepares for college, her younger brother pesters her for a big favor—help him find their biological father.
Silent Souls
Rusia 2010
DIR Aleksei Fedorchenko
When Miron’s beloved wife Tanya passes away, he asks his best friend Aist to help him say goodbye according to the rituals of the Merya culture, an ancient Finno-Ugric tribe from Lake Nero. The two men set out on a road trip thousands of miles across the boundless lands.
Francia 2010
DIR Olivier Assayas
The story of Venezuelan revolutionary, Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, who founded a worldwide terrorist organization and raided the OPEC headquarters in 1975 before being caught by the French police.
I Am Love
Italia 2009
DIR Luca Guadagnino
Academy Award-winner Tilda Swinton stars in this drama about the devastating effects of a forbidden passion between a woman who belongs to a rich northern-Italian family and her son’s best friend, a cook.
A Letter to Elia
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Martin Scorsese & Kent Jones
Directed by Martin Scorsese and Kent Jones, this documentary pays tribute to the late, legendary Hollywood auteur, Elia Kazan.
William S. Burroughs: A Man Within
Estados Unidos 2009
DIR Yony Leyser
William S. Burroughs: featuring never before seen footage as well as exclusive interviews with his closest friends and colleagues.
Coming Attractions
Austria 2010
DIR Peter Tscherkassky
Austrian master Peter Tscherkassky’s latest epic is a sly comedy that mines the relationship between early cinema and the avant-garde by way of advertising.
Corea del Sur 2010
DIR Lee Chang-dong
The story of an elderly woman in search of the fundamental poetry from her life. Aside from being sentenced with Alzheimer’s disease, she faces a dilemma when her teen-aged grandson, who is under her care, is found to be one of the assailants of a girl from his school who killed herself.
The Tourist
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck
The Tourist revolves around Frank, an American tourist visiting Italy to mend a broken heart. Elise is an extraordinary woman who deliberately crosses his path.
Alemania 2010
DIR Benedek Fliegauf
A grieving widow (Eva Green) looks to clone her late husband after he’s killed in an auto accident.
Grecia 2010
DIR Athina Rachel Tsangari
A dying architect and his emotionally stunted daughter inhabit the remains of a once booming industrial community in the middle of nowhere, now populated by the precious few who didn’t have the heart to leave it behind.
Edie: Girl on Fire
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Melissa Painter & David Weisman
Model, film star, muse, socialite, icon. Edie Sedgwick was the very first “it” girl of the Andy Warhol Factory scene…
Jack Goes Boating
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Philip Seymour Hoffman
A limo driver’s blind date sparks a tale of love, betrayal, friendship, and grace centered around two working-class New York City couples.
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Rob Epstein & Jeffrey Friedman
A drama centered on the obscenity trial Allen Ginsberg faced after the publication of his poem, Howl.
Estoy Aquí
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Spike Jonze
El amor puede ser un poco desconcertante, tal como un robot llamado Sheldon lo descubre. Se enamora de Francesca y el mundo se convierte en un lugar mucho más bello. Las reglas que el solía seguir, simplemente no sirven más.
Mysteries of Lisbon
Portugal 2010
DIR Raúl Ruiz
Based on a famous 19th Century Portuguese novel, Raul Ruiz’s Mysteries of Lisbon follows a jealous countess, a wealthy businessman and a young orphaned boy across Portugal, France, Italy and Brazil where they connect with a variety of mysterious individuals.
Estados Unidos 2010
DIR Mike Mills
When his seventy-one-year-old father (Christopher Plummer) comes out of the closet, Oliver (Ewan McGregor) must explore the honesty of his own relationships.
Our Day Will Come
Francia 2010
DIR Romain Gavras
The feature debut by French director Romain Gravas focuses on two outcast redheads – a bullied teen (Olivier Barthélémy) and a psychologist (Vincent Cassel) – who embark on a hallucinatory journey to Ireland, in a quest for freedom.
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