domingo, 14 de marzo de 2010

Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muß man schweigen

When I came home I expected a surprise & there was no surprise for me, so, of course, I was surprised.
– Ludwig Wittgenstein, Culture and Value, 52e

Wittgeinstein Tractatus - Film by Peter Forgacs from Peter Forgacs on Vimeo.


even short video essays that refer to Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus with each essay relating to one of Wittgenstein's philosophical propositions. Home movies from early 20th century Europe are accompanied by voiceovers and written texts from Tractatus, and a somber, lyrical score. Scenes of bourgeois life are haunted by foreboding of the future. Drawing up the disjunction between language and image, Hungarian filmmaker Péter Forgács created a symbolic approach of Wittgenstein's theories of logic, language, reality and representation.

4 comentarios:

lourdes dijo...

Tot plegat es massa per mi....petons cor meu

Ingrid Guardiola dijo...

res és massa per tu!petonassos!

П Θ г Р ђ Э Џ S ♫ dijo...

El destripador.

- ¿Lleva gafas?
- No.
- ¿Tiene bigote?
- No.
- ¡Seguro que es Jack!

П Θ г Р ђ Э Џ S ♫ dijo...

Equivoqué el título; quería decir "El descuartizador"